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                                                                             I set up Beautiful Interiors in 2015 after several                                                                                   years of working on various building sites and                                                                                     doing mostly unsatisfying jobs for the man. 
                                                                             I  didn't really like that, I didn't want to do the                                                                                   same mundane jobs day in day out. I wanted                                                                                       more. I  wanted to give something better, some-                                                                                 thing  different, something new, something                                                                                         unusual, something that I could be proud of.
I started early. My dad was useless, God bless him. He's a nice guy otherwise but, give him a hammer and he wouldn't know what it is for or what to do with it, love him to bits nevertheless, so my mum and I were the ones that did all the renovations, all the paintings in our house, all the furnishing, etc. I used to paint, wallpaper, build furniture, cupboards, shelves, oh  anything really, I was in my elements. I was only in my early teenage years when I build my mum's kitchen units from scratch. Oh, how proud was I. Those cup-boards still stand in my grandma spare kitchen, years on. Poland also was very poor back then and you had to do with quite a bit of DIY-ing to better your living and keep up with the fashion. I didn't mind that though, it taught me a lot.
I finished Technical College in Swidwin, Poland, where I acquired the knowledge and understanding of various building techniques, materials and styles as well as practical expertise in great range of building skills. I worked in the industry in my own country as well as in UK after I immigrated here and during that time I got into cooperation with  one of the upmarket bathroom and kitchen showrooms in Guildford. I worked there for quite some time during which I had the pleasure to work with Jonathan Hudson, Bridget Adler and Anouska Lancaster, a well known interior designers, which in turn was fruitful in the creation of ''Gerard W. Rycharski Beautiful Interiors''.
I am very passionate about my work and can honestly say that helping people in designing and making elegant, tasteful space is the love of my life. It is so rewarding seeing that big smile on your face when you enter your new, beautiful room.
I am inviting you to have a look at the galleries. You can browse through many of my finished works as well as designs and visualizations. I hope that you will find it interesting.
My kindest regards.

''Home is a place that plays enormous role in your life. It's where you relax, refresh, rejuvenate after long day of work. It's where your kids grow, run around, filling the entire space with their noises and chatter. It is the place that you are most fond of, where all the family gatherings take place and all your thoughts belong. It's, where you invite your friends and companions and you would like it to shine, to be beautiful, to be extravagant, to be talked of, a place that you are truly proud of.''

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